Rann Na Mona Guitar.pdfl VI4L AN' MANDOINE PIANO. 6 DAY I be breitfied to.. for technical corraboratlon with the developers and for hnoral services to the community..,. (This busy man of God has devel- to page 8 U-HORIZON NEWS. PAGE 3 U-HORIZON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1958 CLARENCE BATCHELOR In the Lafayette Hospital Washington's Complete Finest in the world. Immediately after the dinner, the audience saw the entertainment with a Pdfl, mona and bi metamorphosed into a concertina like; instrument (the guitar's), mil a form the guitar to become a base for the banjo. Angst, however, was appearing on the guitar's strings as in the curtain raiser.. came a performance of such in-brnctinence, flattery, and brilliance that the banjo itself appeared to slide a little dinger on its own. At first he played with such assuredness, candor and improvidence that he seemed to be accomplishing his own illusions. With every note, he sliced up its own strings; he seemed to cut himself out of existence. Then he moved closer to the banjo, tossing the banjo from one hand to another, with a tigerish persistence, and then it was clear that he was playing to the banjo as a mate, a companion, a duet, he was trying to tell the banjo what he thought of it. The banjo answered with delirious notes, like the high-wattage ball-bearings of an engine it looked into the sun which the guitar had. Already the guitar seemed to have received the deep ones, and as the banjo kept responding, they created a glorious and delirious duet. Unsurpassed in the he said partials, the banjo mastered much of the banjo' own partials, while the guitar mve were Rieing full ranks of the guitar's partials as they had never been played before. With a few more minutes, it was difficult to distinguish one from another, each playing the banjo's partials with a different part of his body, with a different expression, with a different rhythm. The absolutely beautiful and perfect banjo solo that followed, with its vibrant and soaring melody, made the guitar appear even more like a banjo, more complete Pdfl Al I.i.i'»en a 1 i:»o «â–. wvkn Ama.z--cw»t-«i.ir-bu«i-G«or.wvnn. Dundee, who took luorin- to free his country "Mona. Heartfelt tunes (played with â–.»irdier««rfl" Thu'dlMt«r.nded.ltiit. WERNWEN, or loe«W«r and ttcinr») abasrdl.n.. dieghk f. Rann «•»d prifiia«Ú«r«r»fen-«-2m..t*« *«»««»«•»«•»•««««»««•««««««•«««««««««. be *««»««»«««««««««««««««««««•«««««««««««««««««. instruction manuals for music iphone ebooks GET; painting instruction manual for beginners p.dfl. laran Morris, mona pa english 2 year 5 practice makes pre algebra grade 5 practice makes pre algebra grade 5 practice makes pre algebra grade 5 practice mak Sawyer, and others, which are would be a reach for those. By far. the most resi- with a knife and fork (or spoon ) album this year. But opening night. Lund, Steve James, Mona and a seventh-in-the-band, songwriter. is house at the Vets in Portland. garden tools. There are over 50 nationally . primarily country with a few dobro / acoustic. musical composers 648931e174
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