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Bhop: The Ultimate Parkour Simulator - Play for Free in Your Browser


What is Bhop and Why You Should Try It

If you are a fan of first-person shooter games, you might have heard of bhop or bunny hopping. It is a technique that allows you to move faster and more unpredictably by jumping and strafing in the air. Bhop can give you an edge over your opponents, or simply make the game more fun and challenging. In this article, we will explain what bhop is, how it works, and what benefits it can bring to your gameplay. We will also introduce you to some of the best bhop games that you can play online for free, without downloading anything.

Bhop Definition and History

Bhop stands for bunny hop, which is a term that originated from the game Half-Life. In Half-Life, players discovered that they could gain more speed by jumping repeatedly and using the air strafe keys (A and D) to change direction in mid-air. This way, they could overcome the game's speed limit and move faster than normal. This technique was later adopted by other games that used the same engine as Half-Life, such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic.

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Bunny hopping became a popular skill among competitive players, who used it to dodge enemy fire, reach advantageous positions, or surprise their opponents. However, some game developers considered it a bug or an exploit, and tried to prevent it or make it harder to perform. For example, Valve introduced a stamina system in Counter-Strike: Source that reduced the player's speed after consecutive jumps. Some servers also banned or kicked players who used bhop scripts or macros to automate the jumping process.

Despite these obstacles, bhop remained a part of the gaming culture, and many players continued to practice and enjoy it. Some games even embraced it and made it an integral feature of their gameplay. For example, Portal 2 included a bhop tutorial in its co-op mode, and Titanfall 2 allowed players to bhop while using their jetpacks. Bhop also spawned its own genre of games, where the main objective is to complete maps or courses by using bhop skills.

Bhop Benefits and Tips

Bunny hopping can be useful for various reasons, depending on the game you are playing. Here are some of the benefits that bhop can offer:

  • It can make you faster and more agile, allowing you to reach places that are otherwise inaccessible or take less time to get there.

  • It can make you harder to hit, as your movement becomes more erratic and unpredictable.

  • It can give you more control over your movement, as you can change direction or adjust your trajectory in mid-air.

  • It can make the game more fun and challenging, as you have to master a new skill and overcome different obstacles.

Of course, bhop is not easy to do, and it requires practice and patience. Here are some tips that can help you improve your bhop skills:

  • Bind your jump key to your mouse wheel instead of your space bar. This way, you can jump faster and more accurately by scrolling up or down.

  • Don't hold the forward key (W) while bhopping. Instead, use the strafe keys (A and D) to move left or right in the air.

  • Move your mouse in sync with your strafe keys. For example, if you press A, move your mouse to the left; if you press D, move your mouse to the right.

  • Try to land on flat surfaces or slopes that are facing your direction of movement. Avoid landing on stairs or edges that can slow you down or stop you.

  • Practice on different maps or courses that are designed for bhopping. You can find many of them online or create your own with map editors.

Bhop Games You Can Play Online for Free

If you want to try bhop for yourself, or if you are already a fan of it, you might be interested in some of the bhop games that you can play online for free, without downloading anything. Here are some of the best bhop games that we recommend:

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Bhop Expert

Bhop Expert is a game mode where you have to jump on blocks and go as far as you can. This game is created to enjoy the game or to educate. There are no victories and no winners. Almost all maps used in this mod are designed for fun walkthrough only, so enjoy them as they are. You can play Bhop Expert online at

Bhop: Parkour

Bhop: Parkour is a CS game mode where you need to masterfully jump and strafe. It is a realistic FPS jumping game where you can test your skills on a variety of maps. Challenge yourself in a jump simulator, reach the finish line and complete parkour quests. You can play Bhop: Parkour online for free on Yandex Games.


Bhop is a simple but addictive game where you have to bunny hop your way to victory. High speeds, deadly black floors and wall jumping are included. You can play Bhop online for free on


Bunny hopping is a technique that can enhance your gaming experience and make you a better player. It can also be a lot of fun and a great way to challenge yourself. If you want to try bhop for yourself, or if you are already a fan of it, you can play some of the best bhop games online for free, without downloading anything. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about bhop. Happy hopping!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about bhop:

  • Q: How do I bhop in CS:GO?A: To bhop in CS:GO, you need to enable the developer console and type sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 and sv_autobunnyhopping 1. Then, you need to bind your jump key to your mouse wheel and use the strafe keys and mouse movement to bhop.

  • Q: What is the difference between bhop and surf?A: Bhop and surf are both game modes that involve using movement skills to complete maps or courses. However, bhop is based on jumping and strafing in the air, while surf is based on sliding on angled surfaces.

  • Q: What is the world record for bhop?A: The world record for bhop is held by a player named Zelw who completed a map called bhop_monster_jam in 2 minutes and 3 seconds.

  • Q: Is bhop cheating?A: Bhop is not cheating, as it is a skill that anyone can learn and practice. However, some servers or games may not allow it or make it harder to perform. Also, using scripts or macros to automate the jumping process is considered cheating and may result in bans or kicks.

  • Q: What are some other games that have bhop?A: Some other games that have bhop or similar mechanics are Quake, Unreal Tournament, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Mirror's Edge, Garry's Mod, and Roblox.



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